About the Farm
"Life is Better on the Farm"
What We Do
Little Things Farm offers Meet and Greet Experiences with our miniature/small breed livestock through our Farm Walks. We follow strict Bio-Security Guidelines at Little Things Farm, as our goats are part of a Milking Herd that helps us bring to you our Soaps and Skin Care range that can be purchased in our Farm Shop. All Farm Walks are Pre-Booked. Or visit our farm shop and watch the goats, rabbits and other farm animals from our picnic tables or garden benches.
​Our Livestock, Soap and Craft Course Centre is currently our biggest work in progress and Little Things has aspirations of bringing some of our industry’s experts over to Tasmania to put on workshops in Miniature Livestock Care, Famacha Scoring and Fecal Sampling, Kidding and AI and Training for both the everyday owner of Miniature Livestock and Vet Students/ Technicians and Farmers Alike.
In our Farm Shop Craft Center we offer some great creative courses, such as our Soap and Sips, Candle Making and will be adding more soap, skincare and craft courses each month.
We also know how much you would like to take the Little Ones home... but they don’t really travel well in a suitcase..... so we have a range of Gift Items along with our Goats Milk Soaps and Skincare range in our Farm Shop to remember our animals and Little Things Farm.

Who We Are
The idea of Little Things Farm came about through our family’s passion of miniature livestock. Throughout our children’s teenage years our son and daughter lived, breathed and loved miniature horses who still live on our farm today. From there we added a couple of Miniature Goats and the rest is history. In 2022 we (Liam and Lesley) moved our 22 Miniature Goats and 2 Alpacas from Queensland To Tasmania and started working on Little Things Farm. Currently, Little Things Farm is the home of our herd of Miniature Dairy Goats encompassing the Nigerian Dwarf and Miniature Nubian breeds. Our Miniature Lop Rabbits – Hazel and Pipkin, our small breed Hereford cattle and little flock of Call Ducks. 2023 saw our Miniature Horses Dolly and Arnie rejoin our farm to retire here in Tasmania.
And if Liam looks away for a minute you never know who else might arrive....
What Makes Us Different
Unlike many other ‘Petting Farms’ Little Things’ main focus is on Educating visitors and new Miniature/Small livestock owners about the needs and responsibilities of owning Miniature and Small Breed Livestock. With many large farms being subdivided into smaller acreages the ownership of Small breed and Miniature Livestock has increased rapidly. Unfortunately for the livestock involved they are VERY CUTE as little ones but they are a day in day out responsibility that have become increasingly more popular when little and then passed on or abandoned when they are no longer small. One of Little Things Farm’s main aims is to provide a place for people to see, meet and understand these miniature livestock before they make the step to adding them to their farms and for those who can not do the day to day responsibilities of owning them a place to come and visit and then leave us to do that for them.